One More Gallery

Mikael Olrik Takes to Odense - but First He Took Manhattan

It is with great pleasure that OMG One More Gallery invites you to a delightful Manhattan-themed vernissage with Mikael Olrik on Saturday, August 3, from 12 PM to 3 PM. The exhibition will be on display until Thursday, August 15.

Olrik is a trained architect, and it shows in his works. After an extended stay in New York in 2008, the city's man-made landscape, whether from street level or a bird's eye view, became Olrik's favorite subject matter.

Once you've been to New York, it leaves an impression on your senses. Mikael Olrik captures these impressions exquisitely. On the day of the vernissage, Saturday, August 3, at 1 PM, Mikael Olrik will talk about his works, his inspiration, and the process from blank canvas to the final result.

Drop by for a chat about art and enjoy a good glass of wine. Olrik's universe can be seen at One More Gallery until Thursday, August 15.